Tuesday 11 May 2010

Football manager

1. Production of Football manager

Up until 2003/4 ‘Championship Manager’ was the main football manager simulation game for the pc. Whilst the reasons for Sports Interactive and Eidos splitting it is widely thought that they split due to ‘Sports Interactive wanting things in the game that Eidos disagreed with’.

Although the split was amicable the two companies are now in direct competition. Sports Interactive partnered Sega to make Football manager. Eidos (the publisher of Champ. Manager) struck up a partnership with Beautiful Game Studios.

The two games are different to other types. It is a football manager simulation game.

2. In terms of marketing the Football Manager series used a different approach to the other gaming formats. The whole approach was based around the user becoming the manager and being able to control the game outcome. If you fail, then your team fail. In the trailer they show the best things about being a football manager. The marketing is very conventional although they don’t show you in game footage.


Distribution wise they were very conventional as well. The game is available on disk from most retailers and can now be downloaded online as well.

Online player is available and the user can manipulate the data to make it more realistic and up to date.

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